Jul 16, 2009

Blindsided by Unexpected Blessings and Surprises

I like being in control. Knowing what's coming next, with no surprises, gives me a sense of peace and security. But God is a God of surprise. Sara having a son in her old age? No way. God convincing Pharaoh to release Hebrew slaves without "firing a shot?" Get real. Or, a virgin giving birth? Surely not.

I have received just such a surprise. Didn't see it coming and can't really describe it even now. For three days I participated in a spiritual feast that came as a surprise. I would not have attended this retreat without a friend urging me several times to give it a try just once. Just not the kind of activity I would normally participate in. But, wow, was I surprised! And blessed! I heard raw confession, preaching, teaching, sharing, prayer and hurt. And singing that gets no better this side of heaven. Materials, ideas and encouragement were all shared and received freely. We laughed, had a talent show and listened as a 73-year-old preacher keep all of us in stitches for 20 minutes. Someone that age can say things others can't!

About 100 people were present and when it was suddenly over Thursday night I found myself with a couple dozen of new friends. I have been blessed and I thank God. I hope I can go again next year. But don't expect any advertisements? There won't be any bulletin announcments. Your won't read about it in the papers. It's a well-kept secret and I feel privileged to have participated this year. Thank you Lord.

I'm eager to hear about some unexpected blessings that have come your way. How has God blessed you and you never saw it coming? A gift from someone? A word of encouragement? A new friend? Don't be bashful; share a story.


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